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Ad Swap Magic
Here is a little used technique you can implement to build your mailing
list for no additional cost. I call it “using subscribers to make
subscribers” like much in the context of “using money to make money”.
This simple list building formula can be summed up in two words: ad swap.
Generally, you trade advertisements with other eZine publishers,
preferably of the same mailing list size or bigger. You broadcast the
eZine publisher’s advertisement to your mailing list while the eZine
publisher endorses your ad to his list. Yes, you are actually cross
endorsing or cross promoting each others offer to each of your mailing
Your advertisement’s goal should be to get as many subscribers possible
from the other eZine publisher’s mailing list to sign up for yours.
The result: you grow your mailing list. This method does not require
money, which means it can be done for free. And the return of subscribers?
You only have to do this with one eZine publisher at least once, because
his subscribers who are also your subscribers can now be followed up
within the boundaries of your mailing list.
Perform ad swaps with as many eZine publishers as possible and soon, you
will have a huge mailing list of your own – built free.
Weakness in Safe List
How would you like to send your commercial emails to people you do not
know, but are expecting to receive such mail from you? Wait a minute. That
does not sound right. How can this be?
It is simple, if you know what is really going on. Everybody who is on
these lists, also known as safe lists, knows that they will be receiving
emails from other members. This is possible because that is one of the
conditions of their “safe list” membership.
And those who join these lists are willing to agree to this condition
because they themselves would want to send out their own commercial emails
to the others on the list.
The result: everyone is sending emails to each other but no one is reading
It gets worse when some savvy members sign up for the membership using a
free or less-frequently-used account to store the useless emails they will
never bother to open and read.
Having said that, it is always wiser to start your own mailing list and
build it with opt-in subscribers, no matter how tempting safe lists can be
or how many members there are in a safe list.
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